I've been making useless shit like this since 2019! I'm an egotistical man child that rants and rambles about shit nobody cares about, because I'm too insecure to admit that i have no idea what I'm doing in life. But hey who asked to be born?

Subject 2435 @FantasticSanic

Age 19, Male

Joined on 2/23/21

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FantasticSanic's News

Posted by FantasticSanic - September 9th, 2024

Okay so this might be a bit random but i think it'll be relevant for what's going on in the world right now. But I'll try to explain why people are getting caught up in politics, and why it's not even worth worrying about. I'll make this post M-rated because i don't want it to come across as gas-lighting and hopefully you're mature enough to not take stuff like this too seriously. But in a way that's kind of why i feel compelled to write all of this. But anyway the only reason people are getting caught up in politics isn't because of the election, it's simply because there isn't much else to talk about. For example during the last 3 elections yes people still talked about them. But it wouldn't of been weird to not give a shit, and you could even make fun of it just fine. The only reason it's difficult to do something like that now is because we feel like we desperately need something to cling onto. So dogmatic statements like 'If you don't hold onto something you'll fall" or "This is the best it's ever gonna get" probably sound comforting now, but in the grand scheme of things statements like that would probably be arbitrary. And the only reason people are getting worked up in politics and actually taking it more seriously is because that's what's available right now. You could also explain why our attention spans have gotten lower, It's difficult to make genuinely good content but we feel like we desperately need that NOW. But since that isn't realistic there's a lot more drama on the internet. And that's also why video lengths are inconsistent. Like if someone's going over a topic the video might be ether 5 hours long, or 4 minutes long. And it could easily go over he same topic and still go over everything. That kind of thing would NEVER happen back in 2016-2019. So getting caught up in politics is pointless. Just make content and art you're genuinely passionate about, and try to be the most authentic version of yourself even if society says otherwise. Good luck for anyone that needs it



Posted by FantasticSanic - September 4th, 2024

Also this is random but i wanted to explain why i love voice acting. The reason i love voice acting is because it doesn't matter what i think. You could be male, you could be female, you could be white, you could be black, you could be straight, you could be gay, you could be theist, you could be atheist. It doesn't matter what i wanted. You could put you're own unique spin on a character i already made, and if you genuinely care about that character people could still instantly figure out what you where going for even if it was different. And I'd only matter for making the character, or writing the story if you think i should matter for it. And I'd love that kind of exposure, so people could easily throw out the things i say and just enjoy being whatever they want to be. In a healthy yet genuine way
